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Easy Hand Washing Steps to Protect Kids from Viruses

Help teach children: washing hands is an important life lesson. Follow these easy steps to help improve hygiene for kids as they head back to school.

Good personal hygiene for kids has always been important, and it’s truer now than ever before. Use this simple toolkit to help teach good personal hygiene to your kids: washing hands is where it all begins!


As they head back to school, educating your children about handwashing is an easy and effective way to help prevent germs from spreading and keep them safe. So, station you and yours by a sink, and let’s go!


Germs spread between children most commonly when:

  • They touch their eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands

  • They touch a contaminated surface

  • They blow their nose, cough, or sneeze into their hands and then touch other surfaces, people, and objects

  • They eat and drink with unwashed hands

These are all easy ways for germs and viruses to spread. So, what are the main times when kids should wash their hands?

  • Before eating food

  • After going to the toilet

  • After blowing their nose, coughing, or sneezing

  • After touching an animal

  • After touching rubbish

  • After touching any bodily fluid

  • When hands look dirty!

This isn’t an exhaustive list, but it’s a good place to start for kids. Washing hands should become second nature, so try teaching them these easy-to-follow steps: 


  1. Remove jewellery – even friendship bracelets – so the whole hand can be washed.

  2. Wet hands in warm running water.

  3. Apply antibacterial soap to wet hands.

  4. Rub hands together for at least 20 seconds, making sure all surfaces are covered, including the front and back of the hand and between fingers.

  5. Thoroughly rinse hands by removing all of the soap.

  6. Turn off the tap using your elbow, a towel, or a paper towel.

  7. Thoroughly dry hands using an air dryer, clean towel, or a paper towel.