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Teach Your Kids How to Collect and Play Marbles

Teach Your Kids How to Collect and Play Marbles

Playing marbles is a cheap & cheerful activity for kids! Find out how to play marbles here.

Looking for fun games for kids? Try your hand at marbles. This centuries-old game can be played be indoors and out, entertaining you and your friends for hours.

What’s the secret? You got to have fun!

So, here's what you'll need:

  • A small marble collection

  • A marble pouch

  • Chalk or string for outdoors

To play:

  1. Draw 3 feet wide circle (90cm) on a pavement in chalk or make one out of string if you’re indoors.

  2. Choose your shooter marble- this is your largest marble in the pack.

  3. Put 5 -10 marbles in the centre of the ring.

  4. When it’s your turn, kneel outside the ring and flick your shooter marble out of your fist with your thumb, aiming to hit many marbles out of the ring.

  5. Keep the marbles you knock out and have another turn.

  6. If you don’t knock any marbles out of the ring, leave your shooter marble in the ring and wait your turn while the other players play.

  7. Continue until the rings is empty.

How to play marbles:

  1. Draw a circle 3 feet (90cm) wide on a pavement in chalk, or make one out of string if you’re playing indoors on carpet

  2. Choose your shooter marble- this should be bigger than any of your other marbles

  3. Put 5 to 10 other marbles in the centre of the ring to play

  4. When it’s your turn, kneel outside the ring and flick your shooter marble out of your fist with your thumb, trying to hit as many marbles out of the ring

  5. If you knock any marbles out of the ring, keep them and have another turn

  6. If you don’t knock any marbles out of the ring, leave your shooter marble in the ring until your next turn and the next player takes their turn

  7. Continue until the ring is empty

The winner is the person with the most marbles at the end of the game - you can then return your marbles to each other, unless you have agreed to play for keeps!

The winner has the most marbles at the end of the game. Easy? Now shoot to win! Find out Cleanipedia's tips and tricks for keeping your kids' bedroom tidy so they can find their marbles!